Digital Hardware: Teacher Responsibilities
Technology Requests and Reservations
- Complete the online Technology Resource Checkout Reservation
at least two school days in advance. This is to prevent teachers from surprise reservations at the last minute and the pickup location changing without their knowledge.
- If technologies are reserved for use by a substitute teacher, it is the classroom teachers responsibility to ensure that the substitute complies with these requirements. Plan Accordingly.
- All reservations that are set to recur should:
- Be set for no longer than 2 weeks at a time. Special Arrangements can and should be made with Mr. Matejka.
- NOT include Saturday or Sunday
- Have an anticipated end. This means an end date or end after “x” occurrences.
- It is the responsibility of the reserving teacher to pickup the reserved devices from the assigned storage location.
- If no teacher has a reservation directly following the current reservation, the mobile devices are to be returned to the assigned storage location.
- Arrangements may be made between teachers to pickup from a previous location.
- Review Teacher Procedures
- Turn in a Class Roster Technology Assignment Sheet
Students' Acceptable Use
Teachers are expected to assure Students’ Acceptable Use
- Review the Student HandBook: Technology Acceptable Use Policy with students.
- Hold students accountable for proper use, care and return of all digital hardware.
- Monitor students’ use of laptops, notebooks, iPads, iTouches, etc., and circulate frequently.
- Students are to use digital hardware to enhance or extend the learning experience of the task at hand related to the assignment of the class. Metcalf technology is for the sole purpose of enhancing curriculum. It should not be used to "pass time" (ex. browsing the web).
- Encourage students to report problems immediately. Should a piece of technology have any issues, physical or otherwise, please submit a IT Help ticket immediately.
- If a problem is discovered that has not been reported, it will be assumed that the most recent reservation was responsible for damages.
Collection and Security
- Work must be saved to the cloud or student's flash drive. Once the cart has left your room, students cannot access the cart to retrieve work they forgot to save. Laptops must be SHUT DOWN and collected at the end of each period.
- Help students put laptops back in correct slots. Check to make sure ALL are accounted for. Do not dismiss any student until all laptops are accounted, returned to the correct slot, and shut down (not put to sleep) for in the cart.
- Secure laptops if you must leave the room.