Teacher Education
Create opportunities and consider the possibilities.
Thomas Metcalf Laboratory School
If you have questions, please contact cmattoo@IllinoisState.edu.
Our role in teacher education
- Provide schools in which excellence in education theory and practice can be observed, studied and practiced by teacher candidates and other pre-service school professionals
- Provide environments in which research and development activities may be conducted
- Provide comprehensive, high–quality academic program for Metcalf and University High School students
- Promote effective, high-quality education throughout the teaching profession and to aid other educators in the process of improving quality of education in their schools
We implement this through:
Site for Clinicals
We collaborate with 20+ departments through a variety of colleges across campus including the College of Education, College of Music, College of Arts and Sciences, etc. We offer learning opportunities through observation, whole group and small group instruction, and student teaching.
Chances for ISU students to work in a variety of programs
Chances for ISU students to volunteer
Research and Collaboration Opportunities
ISU faculty may submit ideas and or applications for research approvals. These opportunities often invite collaboration between Faculty Associates and lead to future projects.
Research Applications
If you are interested in conducting research at Thomas Metcalf Laboratory School, please fill out the Research Project Application.
Submit materials to the front office at Thomas Metcalf Lab School.
If you have questions, please contact, Amanda Stalets, at astalet@IllinoisState.edu.