About Us
What makes Metcalf unique for students and families?
An overwhelming response has to do with freedom and choice of both teachers and students. Although our curriculum is aligned to state standards, our teachers have freedom to be professionals and do what they believe is best for their students in the classroom. We do have alignment of curriculum, however the way a teacher differentiates to meet the needs of the learners is not dictated by a master curriculum map, but by the professional in the classroom.
We believe that academics, arts, and wellness are all important to the growth of an individual and we continue to support programs that allow students to be well rounded. We hold to this philosophy during the school day and through the extracurricular choices we offer. We are fortunate to have a strong PTO that supports this philosophy and they gift our teachers with incredible grants for their classrooms.
General Educational Objectives of Metcalf School
Every child needs to develop:
- A functional use of the basic skills; these would include communication and computation skills as well as special skills to be developed in other areas of the curriculum.
- An inquisitive attitude and a desire to explore the environment.
- Creative abilities.
- The moral and ethical values and behaviors inherent in our democratic way of life.
- Sound mental and physical health and the practice of safety in daily living.
- An understanding of the cultural aspects of our own and other societies of the world.
- The use of analytical thinking (method of science, critical thinking, reflective thinking in the solving of problems in all areas including those in the area of human affairs).
- An understanding of economic principles and the wise use of time and resources including both human and natural.
- Self-reliance and independence of action with due regard to the rights of others.
- A responsible sensitivity to, and empathy for, others.